Monday, February 12, 2007


Disappointment: a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized.

Well things have not been going my way lately and this past weekend was no exception. We did not win our soccer tournament, in fact, we didn't even break out of bracket play. I will not make excuses by going on about how well or badly we played or how bad the referees were, all I can say is that i am extremely disappointed; and for me, disappointment is the hardest pill to swallow. I would rather be mad or hurt or anything other than disappointed. This will sit with me for a long, long time; especially since I don't feel like I did my best. And the worst part is that we cannot redeem ourselves until next be the best team there and not even break bracket is so disappointing.

Well, I cannot change what happened this weekend so I must put it behind me and work on the things that I can control, like my conditioning. In the long run, this tournament will not matter; I guess I need some perspective. I need to realize that it's just a game and that there are bigger and worse problems out there than losing in a soccer tournament...and not passing my orals the first time around...I have 2 wonderful kids and 2 wonderful dogs; I have food to eat and a place to live; I have the ability and opportunity to play soccer; and I have the opportunity and ability to get a higher education. I definitely have nothing to complain about, especially losing in a soccer tournament.

Ok, well I have vented my feelings. Thanks for listening/reading.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry you lost. I know how stupid this will seem, but it is just a game and think about how SWEET it will be when you DO pass your orals and win the next tourney. I'm glad to hear that you are not resigning yourself to failure, that you are working to rise above it. THAT will mean success for you for your entire life. Mark my words: you will do great things in this world...

Mad love to you and the wee ones!