Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How they grow...

My daughter had her first date this past weekend. And sadly to say, it didn't go as we had hoped. Her 'date' was disrespectful of her and hurt her feelings. Not how a mother wants her daughters first date to go and then the next day he broke up with her. As a mother, naturally i want to kill or at least slap around this little boy, but i can't.

But this did make me stop and think about her and how i can help guide her choices. It is becoming apparent that she is leaving her childhood behind and starting to become the woman she will be. I don't feel it is my place to tell her that she should do this or shouldn't do that, but more to guide her decisions. IMO, the only way that she will become the best possible adult she can be is for her to learn to make good decisions, and we all know that practice makes perfect. So, it is time for me to stop telling her she can't do this (although Mom still has veto power and there are definitely things that are off limits, like drugs and alcohol and sex....) and to relate to the decisions she is struggling to make. She is a great girl with a really good head on her shoulders and i think if i can help her understand how important making a good decision is then she will try to always make the best decision for her. It is up to her when she wants her first kiss to come, not mine or her dad's. As hard as it is to come to this realization, it is going to be even harder in practice. But hopefully, with a lot of reassurance and positive thinking, i can get through this. I am and always will be her mother, but my role of dictating behavior is over. She is a capable young adult who is struggling to find herself and her role among her peers. My job is to help her the best way i can, and that is to listen and give advice, not orders.

Well those are my thoughts this morning. Sorry its been so long since i've updated this blog, but i have been very busy trying to work so that i can eventually graduate...keep your fingers crossed for me.