Thursday, February 22, 2007

Are you kidding me??

I was watching the news this morning and I watched news people talk about the guidelines for knowing when to keep your kid home from school sick!! Are you freaking kidding me? Do we really need the US Government spending tax dollars for doctors to create guidelines for parents. I am sorry but how many millions of parents and children grew up without these guidelines. The government must really think the americans are incredibly stupid. How stupid do you have to be to not know when your child is too sick to go to school..and when he/she is well enough to go back to school. Its not rocket science people...

BUT...schools can't encourage the OneLess vaccine b/c it will promote sexual promiscuity...WHAT THE F@@K?!? Teenagers are already sexually promiscuous, why not educate and give them the tools to protect themselves. Why help these girls avoid a certain type of cervical cancer in the long run, b/c she might have sex now.

Man oh man!! America is in a sad, sad place when we have people telling us how to raise our children, when they have not met our children and more importantly, do not have our children's best interests at heart, only their political careers in mind. These politicians do not care if your child is sexually promiscuous, but they do care if they are deemed the ones who "encourage sexual promiscuity in girls b/c of a cervical cancer vaccine."

I do have to say that the government officials are missing the big picture. Instead of worrying about spending my tax money on creating guidelines for kids staying home from school sick, they need to be worrying about all of the people who are homeless and starving, those without medical care, those without the basic needs that everyone in the world is entitled to, on how to keep sexual predators off the street for good, how to end this war so that more american soldiers do not have to die. That is where they need to start focusing their attention and keep their moral and religious beliefs away from my kids!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Disappointment: a feeling of dissatisfaction that results when your expectations are not realized.

Well things have not been going my way lately and this past weekend was no exception. We did not win our soccer tournament, in fact, we didn't even break out of bracket play. I will not make excuses by going on about how well or badly we played or how bad the referees were, all I can say is that i am extremely disappointed; and for me, disappointment is the hardest pill to swallow. I would rather be mad or hurt or anything other than disappointed. This will sit with me for a long, long time; especially since I don't feel like I did my best. And the worst part is that we cannot redeem ourselves until next be the best team there and not even break bracket is so disappointing.

Well, I cannot change what happened this weekend so I must put it behind me and work on the things that I can control, like my conditioning. In the long run, this tournament will not matter; I guess I need some perspective. I need to realize that it's just a game and that there are bigger and worse problems out there than losing in a soccer tournament...and not passing my orals the first time around...I have 2 wonderful kids and 2 wonderful dogs; I have food to eat and a place to live; I have the ability and opportunity to play soccer; and I have the opportunity and ability to get a higher education. I definitely have nothing to complain about, especially losing in a soccer tournament.

Ok, well I have vented my feelings. Thanks for listening/reading.



Monday, February 5, 2007

A force of fortune

"Be a force of fortune instead of a feverish, selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy." --George Bernard Shaw

This is my new motto for life...yes bad things are going to happen and life will suck when they happen, but I can either be a 'feverish, selfish clod of ailments' or I can be 'a force of fortune' and work to improve myself and my situation. I am choosing the latter of the two. So even though I did not succeed in my first attempt at my orals and I got a probably very expensive speeding ticket this morning, they are both in the past and complaining about it is not going to change what has happened. All i can do is learn from it, i.e. study more and slow down, and move on...nothing in the world is going to change the events of the past. All we can control is our behavior in the future.

So this is my new revelation. Just wanted to share.
