Friday, January 19, 2007

To My Son...

Tyler, I am writing this to let you and the world know that I couldn't be more proud of you for picking up your grades. I know that it took a lot of effort on your part to bring up your grades in such a short time period. I just want to tell you how very, very proud I am of you and that I know you can keep up these good grades. The only thing that could make me more proud is if you continue your hard work and keep those grades at or above the level they are now. The ultimate reward of your effort will be in the pride you feel when you get your next report card and see how your hard work paid off. Please know how much I love you and believe in you and want so much for you to believe in yourself, like I believe in you. I want the world to know how great my son is: he is so sweet, caring, compassionate, which are not easy traits to find in children these days; he is smarter than he gives himself credit for; he has a huge capacity for love; and best of all, he makes my world a better place.

I love you Tyler!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My trip to Phoenix

Well I am back from my trip to Phoenix. The weather was beautiful. 60 and sunny the entire time. Well Friday morning it rained but cleared out by 10 no big deal. The conference (Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology) was good. A few people from my university went and I met a few really nice people to hang out with. Met a little cutie from Utah who was really interesting and fun. All in all, I had a good time, it was nice to get away, but boy am I glad to be home. There truly is no place like home...having your own bed, the comforts of home, and of course my babies (the two-legged ones and four-legged ones).

I got to sight-see a little bit on Friday. But since I has received a fellowship from TCS and the AMS both of which are co-sponsors of this meeting, I had a lot of people to meet. I attended the AMS luncheon where I got to sit next to some pretty big names in the field of microscope research, which was both intimidating and exhilarating.

This is the Rosson House, circa late 1800's. Very beautiful. This is part of Heritage Square, which is adjacent to the Science Museum and History Museum. We had lunch at a Victorian Tea Room in Heritage Square that day. The food was delicious.

This picture is of me giving my talk on Thursday. I was glad to get it over with on the first full day of the meeting. That way I got to enjoy the rest of the meeting without having to worry about my talk. It is always nice to go earlier rather than later.


Just want to share this

Her eyes beginning to water, she went on, "So I would like you all to make me a promise. From now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn't have to be something you see it could be a scent-perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house-or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches the autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground.
Please look for these things, and cherish them. For, although it may sound trite to some, these things are the "stuff" of life. The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to notice them, for at any can all be taken away."

The class was completely quiet. We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester.

Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all of us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook. Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Go barefoot. Or walk on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double-dip ice cream cone.

For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't do. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

--Anon., "from a story "The Teacher" (A Powerful Lesson)"

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Good Riddance 2006

“It’s been a long December and there’s reason to believe that this year will be better than the last.”

I am glad to see 2006 go the way of the cassette tapes. Last year at this time my reality was drastically different. There is a saying that 'there are the years that ask the questions and the years that answer them'. Last year asked a lot of questions and answered a few. So I am left with a lot of questions I need to answer. No one can do this for me, I have to do it for me. While there was a lot of heartache and change last year, I was determined to learn from it all. I do believe that I succeeded. Over the last 12 months I have experienced and learned many things about myself. Here are the top 10 things I learned from 2006.

1. That my head is much smarter than my heart.
2. That if you fail to ask for what you want, you are guaranteed not to get it.
3. Sometimes he really is just busy; but if he really wanted to spend time with you, he would find the time.
4. That sometimes my empty bed is a testament to my self-worth and self-respect.
5. How to fight fair and demand respect.
6. How to realize when you are better off without him.
7. That the best summer nights are spent with plastic chairs, cold beer, and great conversation among friends.
8. That I really am a happy person.
9. How to be alone.
10. How to make an incredible cold Mediterranean pasta dish. YUM!!

I am looking forward to the coming year and all that is holds for me. I am going to make a few resolutions and I hope to be able to keep them. The first is to apologize to everyone I feel I need to apologize to. This list is not long, but I am trying to get rid of negativity in my life and therefore I need to apologize for wrongs I have committed against people I care about or work with. The second is to get in better shape. Everyone usually makes this resolution and I am no different. I would like to be able to run up and down the soccer field with more energy and enthusiasm. And finally, the last resolution I will make this year is to be more proactive about my life. If I want to do something, I am going to set out to get it done and not wait on someone to invite me to do it or do it for me. This is kind of vague but I know what it means to me.

I hope that all of you are as excited about 2007 as I am. I truly hope all of you find all of the happiness and love that this year has to offer. I wish you many laughs, hugs and kisses. The kind of laughs that make your cheeks and sides hurt, the kind of hugs that heal your soul and the kind of kisses that take your breath away. These are what makes life grand.
