Friday, December 8, 2006

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Well, despite the fact that most stores have had Christmas decorations displayed since October, it is finally beginning to look and feel like Christmas. The kids and I had a wonderful night last Friday picking out and decorating the tree. It was a chilly 40degrees outside and we wandered through the tree lot rating trees and coming back to the ones we liked the most. We found a great tree and carried it home. We baked Christmas cookies and listened to James Taylor sing Christmas songs while we decorated the tree. Then we made some hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and watched Elf (Will Ferrell is hilarious in this movie) and ate cookies. It was a great night. Now I feel like its Christmas. That and the kids gave me 2 page "Wish Lists", each!

Work/School is stressing me out, but all I can do is my best. I have finally figured out my answers to the retake exam. So that is one less thing to worry about. However, I just got back my most recent manuscript for revision. Lots of work to do on that. And since I am presenting that paper at a meeting in Phoenix in early January, I must get busy on those revisions.

Aahhhhhh, isn't life grand!!!
