Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Failure is not an option

Well I am not accustomed to failing. I know, I know...poor me, right?! Well I admit that I am pretty spoiled in the fact that I have never NOT made the team or NOT gotten the grade or NOT gotten into a school. Well I just found out that I failed part of one of my comprehensive exams. That was not expected and I was totally at a loss on how to handle it. Yesterday was not a good day for me. But after some introspection and a discussion with my major professor and the offending committee member I feel much better. SO to keep it short, I have to retake two questions on a test, but I get to prepare my answers in advance. So its not a big deal. It could have been much,much worse.

But the best thing to come out of this is my new found determination to prove to my committee and to myself that I CAN do this and I WILL do this. My horoscope today was totally appropriate, I think: More than ever before, you'll feel as though it is time to take matters into your own hands and build your own career future. You are fed up with living on hope, and putting off your happiness until tomorrow. Your determination will be so strong that you may even surprise yourself. Tomorrow, you'll refine your approach and make it more concrete. Today is the first day of a new life for you, dear Pisces.

So from here on out, I am going to focus on furthering my career through reading books and articles and really concentrating on expanding my base knowledge of biology and to know something about everything so that I never get in a situation where I am totally unable to participate in a conversation b/c I don't know anything about the topic. I know you can not ever be totally prepared for everything but I making it my mission to try.

Wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Quote of the day...

Always do what you say and say what you think, because those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter. --Dr Seuss

My life has changed a lot since June 30, 2006. I was homeless for a month, which was an interesting occurence. Don't get me wrong, I have wonderful friends, who took me, my two kids and my two dogs in so I wasn't on the streets, but not having a home to relax in is quite a defining experience. I learned a lot about myself during that time period. The main thing I learned is how great my friends are. The second thing I learned was how much better I felt to finally be myself again. For 4.5 years, I was told what I was allowed to talk about, what I should be feeling and thinking, and after a while, you forget what you really think and what you really feel. Well I am learning to do those things again. It feels great, but at the same time, it is terrifying. I have lost a lot of self confidence because of that situation I was in for so long...and now it is hard to say what I think for fear of judgement or punishment. I need to take a lesson from Dr Seuss and be true to myself and say what I think, unless the only purpose it would serve would be to hurt someone...

When I look back at the past year, I have mixed emotions. There are sad moments, happy moments and a lot of in between moments. I have no regrets. My life is what it is because of the choices I have made and I am really content with my life right now. Sure I would like to have more money and less bills, who wouldn't; but overall, I cannot complain. I have two wonderful children, who simultaneously drive me insane and keep me from going crazy. I have the two best dogs in the world who love me unconditionally. I have the best friend anyone could ask for and a great circle of friends who are always willing to listen, give advice or have a drink. My sister, dad and mom are the best anyone could ask for. I am a lucky person and am very rich in my friends and family. To me, that is worth more than any amount of money. I wouldn't trade that for all the money I could ever spend.

This is what I am thankful for this holiday season: my friends (new and old); my family; my children; my pugs; my job and education; and finally my freedom! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I truly hope you feel contentment in your life. It is truly the greatest feeling to be content with your life.

--Shrimp Girl